Live, from under a bridge...

This week’s show is partly about The Troll Infestation.

Between guys rolling up to a Cesar Chavez event rocking ICE hats, then acting surprised when they get called ‘Dicks’ and Alex Jones’ lawyer scribbling the Op-Ed equivalent of a “Leave Brittney Alone!” rant I spent a couple segments encouraging people to take the attention away from the attention whores (or to at least know what you’re being sold).

Good News Palate Cleanser: Missing child, home safe

Also on the show:

• The Weekend Buzz Question at Where’s the ‘Meh’ option?

• National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

• General Social Survey: Dog owners are happier than petless people…and everyone’s happier than cat ladies

Re-Naming Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum after a corporate sponsor pisses off veterans and at least one member of the L.A. City Council

• Charmin introduces the Forever Roll

I know we can do better than discourse from the bowels of Reddit and 4chan. And I know a couple of those guys will have something to say about how I characterize them. But hey, if Alex Jones can sell non-FDA approved milkshakes and vitamins off the bodies of dead children and call it Protected Speech I think I’m in the clear suggesting a bunch of guys soliciting donations online after doing shit that makes people mad and only posting the Mad part might just be in it for the money.

I’m also going to suggest you call Fresno Humane Animal Services or the SPCA and get yourself a dog. I think everyone will calm down 15% as soon as we all start our day with a quick walk, a regular duce, and a moment of unconditional love.

Please remember: Agenda 21 is not a law, nor is it a policy that guides U.S. legislators. People who insist on perpetuating the myth of A21 are almost always either heartbreakingly gullible or they’re trying to duplicate the InfoWars business model (because they hope YOU are heartbreakingly gullible).

Please visit and get an appointment. If you’re Type-O Negative just show up now. They need you. The Valley needs you. Someday you might need them. Donate. I’ll be in the chair myself next week or weekend.

Finally, set your DVR for Sundays at 8AM. Alexan Balekian invited me back for the latest installment of KSEE 24’s Sunday Morning Matters and we had quite a crew in studio!


PS: If you enjoyed Chris Daniel’s chat with Rob Porcella about the CBD market you can find his product via